The parties referred to in these Terms of Service shall be defined as follows:
a) Owner, Us, We: The Owner, as the Research Analyst, provides Research Services on securities, available to users. Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research, Owner, Us, We, Our, Ours and other first-person pronouns will refer to the Owner, as well as all employees and affiliates of the Owner.
b) You, the User, the Client: You, as the user of Research Services, will be referred to throughout these Terms of Service with second-person pronouns such as you, your, yours, or as User or Client. For the purpose of these Terms of Service, the term “User” or “you” shall mean any natural or legal person who is accessing the Research services.
c) Parties: Collectively, the parties to these Terms of Service (the Owner and You) will be referred to as Parties.
By using the Research services, you warrant that you have read and reviewed these Terms of Service and that you agree to be bound by it. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms of Service, please update immediately for the refund (If paid). The Owner only agrees to provide use of the Research Services to you if you assent to these Terms of Service. Further, based on the Services obtained by a User, additional terms and conditions in respect of the specific Services may apply, which shall be deemed an agreement between the Users and the Owner.
By accepting delivery of the research service, the client confirms that he/she has elected to subscribe the research service of the “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891“at his/her sole discretion. “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891 ” confirms that research services shall be rendered in accordance with the applicable provisions of the RA Regulations.
“Money Magicians Research: INH000013891 ” and client shall be bound by SEBI Act and all the applicable rules and regulations of SEBI, including the RA Regulations and relevant notification of government, as may be in force, from time to time.
The client shall furnish all such details in full as may be required by the “Money Magicians Research :INH000013891″ in its standard form with supporting details, if required, as may be made mandatory by RAASB/SEBI from time to time. “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891 ” shall collect, store, upload and check KYC records of the clients with KYC Registration Agency (KRA) as specified by SEBI from time to time.
6) Standard Terms of Service:
The consent of client shall be taken on the following understanding:
“I / We have read and understood the terms and conditions applicable to a research analyst as defined under regulation 2(1)(u) of the SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014, including the fee structure.
I/We are subscribing to the research services for our own benefits and consumption, and any reliance placed on the research report provided by research analyst shall be as per our own judgement and assessment of the conclusions contained in the research report.
I/We understand that –
i. Any investment made based on the recommendations in the research report are subject to market risk.
ii. Holding open positions without a stop-loss or target may lead to significant losses in adverse market conditions or company events.
iii. In severe market conditions or company events, share prices may plummet to 70-80% below your purchase price without exit opportunities.
iv. Market risks may result in partial or permanent loss of investments under certain market conditions.
v. Risks in Futures and Options Trading are VERY HIGH.
vi. Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM do not guarantee the performance of the intermediary nor assure returns to investors.
vii. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
viii. Recommendations in the research report do not provide any assurance of returns.
ix. There is no recourse to claim any losses incurred on the investments made based on the recommendations in the research report.”
Declaration from “Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research: INH000013891″
i. “Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research :INH000013891″ is duly registered with SEBI as an RA pursuant to the SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014 and its registration details are:
Registration Name: Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research
Registration number: INH000013891
Registration date: 01 December 2023
Trade name uses for Research Services: Money Magicians Research
ii. “Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research: INH000013891″ has valid registration and qualifications required to render the services contemplated under the RA Regulations, and the same are valid and subsisting;
iii. “Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research: INH000013891″ services provided by it do not conflict with or violate any provision of law, rule or regulation, contract, or other instrument to which it is a party or to which any of its property is or may be subject;
iv. The maximum fee that may be charged by “Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research :INH000013891″ is ₹1.51 lakh per annum per family of client.
v. The recommendations provided by “Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research INH000013891” do not provide any assurance of returns.
7) Additionally, if RA is an individual, declaration that:
i. “ Nihal Binjwa Proprietor Money Magicians Research :INH000013891” is not engaged in any additional professional or business activities, on a whole-time basis or in an executive capacity, which interfere with/influence or have the potential to interfere with/influence the independence of research report and/or recommendations contained therein.
8) Consideration and mode of payment:
The client shall duly pay to RA, the agreed fees for the services that RA renders to the client and statutory charges, as applicable. Such fees and statutory charges shall be payable through the specified manner and mode(s)/ mechanism(s).
Mode of Payment: Using UPI, Net-Banking, NEFT, IMPS, Credit Card, Payment Gateway and using Centralized Fee Collection Mechanism (CeFCoM)
Centralized Fee Collection Mechanism (CeFCoM): This initiative by SEBI is designed to ensure that investor payments are securely directed to genuine SEBI-registered advisors rather than to other sources.
Investors can request a link for the Centralized Fee Collection Mechanism (CeFCoM) from registered Research Analysts and can make payments using UPI, credit cards, auto-debit, bank account details, and more.
(A statement covering the standard risks associated with investment in securities to be added under this clause by the RA)
Investing in securities comes with several risks that can negatively impact your securities or portfolio:
MARKET RISKS WARNING: “Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.”
LOSS POSSIBILITY WARNING: “Market risks may result in partial or permanent loss of investments under certain market conditions”.
Risks in Futures and Options Trading are VERY HIGH.
SEBI REGISTRATION: Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM do not guarantee the performance of the intermediary nor assure returns to investors.
PAST PERFORMANCE WARNING: Past performance is not indicative of future results.
NO WARRANTIES WARNING:The Research Analyst does not guarantee the accuracy, results of recommended securities.
EXERCISE CAUTION WARNING: “Money Magicians Research :INH000013891” provide research analysis and specific securities recommendations but do not offer portfolio management services, personal account handling, profit sharing, or risk-profiling-based investment advisory services.
The “Money Magicians Research :INH000013891″ adhere to the applicable regulations/ circulars/ directions specified by SEBI from time to time in relation to disclosure and mitigation of any actual or potential conflict of interest.
Disclosure that the “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891″ may suspend or terminate rendering of research services to client on account of suspension/ cancellation of registration of RA by SEBI and shall refund the residual amount to the client.
In case of suspension of certificate of registration of the “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891″ for more than 60 (sixty) days or cancellation of the RA registration, RA shall refund the fees, on a pro rata basis for the period from the effective date of cancellation/ suspension to end of the subscription period.
In the case of premature termination of the services for “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” as detailed in point 8 – Consideration and mode of payment, the fees for research services are non-refundable.
If a client decides not to continue with their RA services, the fee for one month will not be refundable under any circumstances due to various costs and factors related to portfolios and securities. Therefore, it is not feasible to refund whole fees.
For instance, after subscribing to any RA services, investors gain access to both current and historical securities.
12) GRIEVANCE redressal and dispute resolution:
Any grievance related to (i) non-receipt of research report or
(ii) missing pages or inability to download the entire report, or
(iii) any other deficiency in the research services provided by “Money Magicians Research :INH000013891”, shall be escalated promptly by the client to the person/employee designated by “Money Magicians Research :INH000013891”,
Designated Person/Employee Name: Nihal Binjwa
E-mail ID: Support@moneymagiciansresearch.com
Phone: +919343888341
The “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” shall be responsible to resolve grievances within 7 (seven) business working days or such timelines as may be specified by SEBI under the RA Regulations.
“Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” shall redress grievances of the client in a timely and transparent manner.
Any dispute between the “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” and his client may be resolved through arbitration or through any other modes or mechanism as specified by SEBI from time to time.
SEBI SCORES Link: https://scores.sebi.gov.in/
SEBI ODR Link: https://smartodr.in/
SEBI Toll-Free Number: 1800 22 7575 or 1800 266 7575
Also write to any of the SEBI Office – Addresses Link: https://www.sebi.gov.in/contact-us.html
SCORES iOS App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sebiscores/id6478849917
SCORES Google Play Store App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sebi
All additional voluntary clauses added by the “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” should not be in contravention with rules/ regulations/ circulars of SEBI. Any changes in such voluntary clauses/document(s) shall be preceded by a notice of 15 days.
Some of the voluntary clauses for “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” include:
Any changes or updates to the terms and conditions will be communicated to you beforehand for your approval.
Clients shall be requested to go through Do’s and Don’ts while Dealing with “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” as specified in SEBI master circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD-POD-1/P/CIR/2024/49 dated May 21, 2024 or as may be specified by SEBI from time totime.
Do’s and Don’t website link for “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891”: https://moneymagiciansresearch.com/investor-charter/
15) Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC):
“Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” MITC to their clients are:
i. “The terms and conditions and the consent thereon are for the research services provided by the “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” and “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” cannot execute/ carry out any trade (purchase/ sell transaction) on behalf of the client.
Thus, you are advised not to permit “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891” to execute any trade on your behalf.”
If you notice any activities that seem to exceed the scope of SEBI RA regulations, 2014, you are encouraged to bring this issue to the attention of “Money Magicians Research: INH000013891’s” compliance team. If the matter remains unresolved for seven days, you may also consider contacting SEBI to address these malpractice concerns.
Centralized Fee Collection Mechanism (CeFCoM): This initiative by SEBI is designed to ensure that investor payments are securely directed to genuine SEBI-registered advisors rather than to other sources.
At Money Magicians Research, we blend financial expertise with market intuition to guide you through the complexities of the stock market.